How To Apply For Fry Scholarship Program

Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship is designed to provide financial aid to people who lost their spouse while serving in the Armed Forces.

The program was established to pay tribute to the families of deceased army forces by providing a fully funded scholarship to support them in difficult times.

If you are from the family of Army Forces you may be eligible for the Fry Scholarship Program and enjoy the benefits of free academic sessions.

You are advised to read this post carefully, we have provided a detailed guide that will help you to apply for the Fry Scholarship Program.

Scholarships Info

Scholarship Fry Scholarship Program.
Discipline Can be selected when applying
Requirements Spouse, child of a deceased

Army Forces

Contact +18006982411
Address Office of Inspector General
Application Submitting application online

Fry Scholarship Program Deadline

The Fry Scholarship Program is unlike many scholarship programs you knew in the past, it does not have application deadlines.

It provides qualifying students with the flexibility to enroll in the program whenever they wish to pursue their studies.

The program covers both tuition fees and living expenses ensuring that students are well taken care of. Qualifying students have the opportunity to choose their desired private university or college when applying for this program.

Fry Scholarship Requirements And Rules

The Fry Scholarship Program offers financial aid to the children and surviving spouses of Service members who lost their lives while on duty.

Also note that it’s only applicable to the children and surviving spouses of Service members who lost before September 10, 2001.


If eligible you need to meet these criteria

  • Be a child or spouse of a Servicemember who lost his life on active duty
  •  Spouse or child between 18-36 years old
  • Be a U.S. Citizen

Program Rules;

  • The funds can only be used for educational purposes
  • Be a United States Citizen and maintain academic satisfactory

You can utilize your Fry Scholarship Program benefits for a duration of 36 months, during full-time training.

To continue receiving support from the Fry Scholarship Program it is important to maintain progress.

As the child of a service member

  • You can be married or unmarried.
  • If you turned 18 or graduated from high school before January 1, 2013, you can get a Fry Scholarship until you’re 33 years old.
  • If you turn 18 or graduate from high school after January 1, 2013, you can get a Fry Scholarship at any age over 18 or after you graduate (whichever comes first).
  • If your parent was a member of the Selected Reserve and died from a service-connected disability while not on active duty, you can get a Fry Scholarship at any time, no matter how old you are.

Please read the full scholarship policy from the United States of Veteran Affairs.

How To Apply For The Fry Scholarship Program?

To apply for the Fry Scholarship Program you need to follow the simple steps below.

  • The first step is to choose your preferred school, we highly suggest Using the GI Bill Comparison Tool for fast and better results.
  • To apply for benefits, Alternatively, you can Fill out a Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits (VA Form 22-5490)
  • Locate a VA office, also note that guardians and parents are needed for non-adults.
  • The final step is to choose your program and submit

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